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“Today is the best day” to be honest, rediscover and challenge yourself
May 24, 2022
“Today is the best day” to be honest, rediscover and challenge yourself
It is notable that every time I get the opportunity to discuss a headline topic, my mind keeps reminding me of Tibetan proverbs. And it’s no coincidence that I’ve devoted a whole chapter to this very subject in my book. A Tibetan saying states, “Know that today is your best day.” I frequently wonder why we...
5 Steps To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
May 3, 2022
5 Steps To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
Have you ever heard the saying, “Follow your dreams”? Regrettably, no one ever tells us how to do it! Otherwise, we wouldn’t be afraid to step outside of our comfort zones and create an amazing future for ourselves. Having dreams is a natural part of the human condition. Most of the time, I find it...
Samvel Gevorgyan (MBA ‘94): An Optimist by Nature and a Problem-Solver by Choice
February 10, 2022
Samvel Gevorgyan (MBA ‘94): An Optimist by Nature and a Problem-Solver by Choice
  A successful entrepreneur, author of business and motivational books, business expert, and management consultant, Samvel Gevorgyan (MBA ‘94) is the founder and managing partner of BSC Business Support Center. Inspired by the many challenges in life, Samvel considers it his mission to motivate others to reach success. He is also an active AUA alumnus,...
This is the Time to Start! Your step-by-step guide towards achieving change in 2022.
January 3, 2022
This is the Time to Start! Your step-by-step guide towards achieving change in 2022.
  Another new year is upon us and many of us feel the desire to set new goals and resolutions for 2022. But just having good intentions and writing those resolutions cannot guarantee actual results. With the start of 2022, we get to have a new set of 525,600 minutes. Just imagine all the things...
1 Minute Later: Keep Moving by Armenian author and entrepreneur Samvel Gevorgyan released on Amazon
December 16, 2021
1 Minute Later: Keep Moving by Armenian author and entrepreneur Samvel Gevorgyan released on Amazon
  The English translation of the new book titled 1 Minute Later: Keep Moving by Armenian author, entrepreneur and business expert Samvel Gevorgyan has been released on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle Store. The book was first published in Armenian earlier this year and was greeted with enthusiasm and rave reviews, especially from young...